How do I renew books and other materials?


Materials borrowed can be renewed by calling your local library, online via our catalog, or by using the MyLibro app.

Use the following instructions to renew materials using the Web catalog:

  1. Go to the online Library Catalog.
  2. Click My Account
  3. Click Renew Material(s).
  4. Enter your User ID, which is your Library Card Number (found on the back of your card starting with 27954) and PIN (If you misplaced your PIN or have forgotten it, please visit your local library).
  5. Select the book or Item(s) to be renewed.
  6. Click Renew Selected Items button.
  7. If an item has a hold on it, you will not be able to renew said item. 
  • Last Updated Dec 26, 2023
  • Views 493
  • Answered By Victor Enriquez

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